014 Ibrahim

Episodes: 314
Arabic: اِبراهيم
Translation: Ibrahim
Verses: 52

About Surah: Ibrahim

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014 Ibrahim

This is a late Makki Surah, and derives its names from the mention of Prophet Ibraheem (AS) towards the end of this surah. Previously we saw a group of three surahs, each named after a prophet- Yunus, Hud, Yusuf – and placed in succession, while this surah is also named after a prophet albeit it stands distinguished from that group of surahs. This is perhaps due to the position of Ibraheem (AS), even though he was mentioned very briefly in Surah Hud.

Prophet Ibraheem (AS) was a pivotal figure among all the people at the time of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, as both the People of the Book as well as the Arabs were descended from him, the former through his son Ishaq (AS) and the latter through his son Ismail (AS).He is also known as Abul-Ambiyaa or the Father of the Prophets.

Prophet Musa (AS) warns his people of being ungrateful to the favors of Allaah (SWT). Similar warnings were given to past nations but most of them did not heed and were consequently destroyed for their persistence in disbelief. Arguments will break out on the Day of Reckoning among those who disbelieved, blaming each other for their actions while Iblees will absolve himself of any responsibility for the misdeeds and declare that he had no power over anyone.

Through the illustration of a tree, Allaah (SWT) compares the differences between good and evil words, which have been understood as those of belief and disbelief. Ibraheem (AS) supplicated to Allaah (SWT) to bless the area of Makkah, where he settled his wife and son as per the instruction of Allaah (SWT), and to keep himself and his progeny secure from associating partners with Him.

The surah concludes with reminders of the Day of Reckoning and that the promise of Allaah (SWT) to his messengers will surely be fulfilled with justice.