020 Ta-Ha

Episodes: 312
Arabic: طه
Translation: Ta-Ha
Verses: 135

About Surah: Ta-Ha

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020 Ta-Ha

Surah Ta Ha is a Makki Surah, revealed in about the fifth year of prophethood, prior to the emigration to Abyssinia. As per some reports, it was the recitation of this surah by the sister of Umar (RA), Fatima bint Khattab, that led to his acceptance of Islam. It is named after the first ayah that contain the Huroof Muqattaat, the disjointed letters. These disjointed letters, such as Alif Laam Meem, Yaa Seen, Haa Meem etc. are found at the beginning of twenty-nine, and none but Allaah (SWT) is aware of their true meaning, although scholars have long speculated as to the possible explanations.

The surah begins with firstly acknowledging the distress of the Prophet ﷺ over the rejection faced by his people and their increasing opposition against the message of Islam.The exemplary model of Musa (AS) is then presented to comfort and motivate the Prophet ﷺ who had to similarly face a tyrant ruler who was opposing the message of worshipping one God alone, as his authority and kingdom were challenged by such a message. Musa (AS) finds himself weak and without resources, and supplicates to Allaah (SWT) to remove the impediment in his speech and to grant him courage in addressing the Firawn, as well as to make his brother his ally in his task. This famous supplication is often recited by preachers of Islam in the beginning of their sermons, following the sunnah of Musa (AS). Not only does this serve to comfort the Prophet ﷺ, but it also shows to anyone who wants to propagate the religion of Allaah(SWT) that it is with His Help alone that one can overcome the weaknesses of his person and that the establishment of Islam is not dependant on the strengths of those working for it.

The incident of worshipping the Golden Calf by the Children of Israel in the absence of Musa (AS) is mentioned in this surah, and the man responsible for this act, Samri, was punished by Musa (AS). The story of Adam (AS) and his wife being expelled from the heavens as a result of giving in to the whispers of Iblees is narrated briefly, with reminders to follow guidance from Allaah (SWT) as and when he sends prophets to guide the people. The surah concludes with arguing the need for sending messengers from Allaah (SWT) so that no excuse is left for the wrong-doers to plead innocence when they face the punishment from Him.