038 Sad

Episodes: 291
Arabic: ص
Translation: The letter 'Saad'
Verses: 88

About Surah: Sad

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This is a middle Makki Surah, beginning with Harf Muqattah, Saad.
Although messengers were sent to every nation, each had a similar response when the Divine message was presented to them. They would be surprised that an apparently ordinary man from among them was chosen to be the representative of God, and accuse him to be either a magician or a liar. And the staunchest opposition came from the elites of the society, who feared a decline in their position and authority if the people accepted the message of the prophet.

Dawud (AS) was blessed with a powerful voice from Allaah (SWT) and the birds and mountains were subjected to sing along with him the praise of Allaah (SWT). A story is related of him when two men climbed over the wall of his quarters seeking his judgment in their dispute. One of them had ninety-nine sheep and demanded to possess the single sheep with the other, Dawud (AS) immediately ruled in favor of the one with the single sheep but did not hear from the other party. Suddenly, the two men disappeared and Dawud (AS) realized that they were two angels from Allaah (SWT), sent as a trial upon him. Dawud (AS) repented to Allaah (SWT) and was forgiven.

Sulaiman (AS) was the son of Dawud (AS), and a prophet as well as the king of Children of Israel. He supplicated to Allaah (SWT) to be given a kingdom the like of which no one would ever possess after him. Allaah (SWT) granted him the ability to turn the winds in the directions he wanted, and control over jinns who worked for him.
Ayub (AS) was tried with sickness, which afflicted him many years. He lost all his wealth and his family abandoned him, except his wife who lost patience on an occasion and Ayub (AS) swore to strike her a hundred lashes. Allaah (SWT) cured Ayub (AS) in response to his supplication and asked him to bathe and drink from the fountain that sprung up at his feet. As for his oath, Ayub(AS) was asked to collect a bunch of hundred grass blades and strike his wife with that gently in order to fulfill his oath.
When Allaah (SWT) questioned Iblees as to why he refused to prostrate to Adam (AS), his response that he was better since he was created from fire and Adam (AS) from clay. Allaah (SWT) ousted him from the heavens, but upon his request to be reprieved till the end of the world, Allaah (SWT) grants him his wish.

The Prophet ﷺ did not seek any compensation from the people for delivering the message of the Qur’an, which was a reminder to everyone and its truth would be manifest on them sooner or later.