043 Az-Zukhruf

Episodes: 277
Arabic: الزُّخْرُف
Translation: The Ornaments of Gold
Verses: 89

About Surah: Az-Zukhruf

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043 Az-Zukhruf

Surah Az Zukhruf is a middle Makki Surah and is titled after the mention of gold ornaments that are viewed as a valued asset in the world.

Beginning from Surah Ghaafir, are a group of seven surahs that initiate with the Huroof Muqattaat – Haa Meem. Such disjointed letters, such as Alif Laam Meem, Yaa Seen, Noon etc. are found at the beginning of twenty-nine surahs in the Qur’an, and only Allaah (SWT) knows their true meaning, even though scholars have tried to understand and explain possible interpretations. The surahs that begin with Haa Meem follow in succession – Ghaafir, Fussilat, Ash-Shoora, Az Zukhruf, Ad-Dukhan, Al Jaathiyah and Al Ahqaaf, and these are considered to focus on inviting people to the Tawheed.

The Qur’an was revealed in Arabic so that the people of the Prophet ﷺ  could understand it in their language, while the original is preserved in Lauhe-Mahfooz, under the Throne of Allaah (SWT).

Every nation that received a prophet, would ridicule and question him. They would justify their corrupt practices of worship by attributing them to their forefathers. So they were destroyed for their disbelief and arrogance. Ibraheem(AS) disassociated himself from any form of polytheism, even though his own father was a staunch disbeliever and supporter of polytheism.

The polytheists of Makkah considered the angels to be daughters of Allaah (SWT), while they themselves preferred to have sons. They had no authority to ascribe children to Allaah (SWT) nor knowledge to declare that angels were females.

Regarding the Prophet ﷺ, the Quraysh felt that there were other men more deserving of the honor of prophethood, but they are told Allaah (SWT) chooses whom He wills for His mercy.

Musa (AS) was sent to the Firawn, and they were shown a number of miracles but they persisted on disbelief. Then Allaah (SWT) tried them with certain difficulties and so they would request Musa (AS) to supplicate to Allaah (SWT) to remove the hardship and promised they would believe after that. But once the hardship was removed by Allaah (SWT), they would return to their hostility. Firawn was arrogant about his wealth and status and ridiculed Musa (AS) in front of his people. He and his soldiers were drowned by Allaah (SWT), and all their might and splendor could not avail them against the punishment of Allaah (SWT).

Isa (AS) was only a servant and messenger of Allaah (SWT), he was falsely raised in his status by his followers. He was raised alive into heavens by Allaah (SWT), and his return will be in final days before the end of the world.

The Prophet ﷺ  is asked to inform the polytheists that if Allaah (SWT) had any son, then he would be the first to worship him. The polytheists would admit that Allaah (SWT) is their Creator, yet take others in worship besides Him. So after their refusal to accept the truth, turn away from and wait for the judgment of Allaah (SWT).